El Pla del Real Restaurants

Find the best restaurants to dinner in El Pla del Real district, in Valencia, Spain. You have your choice of where to eat in Valencia, quality restaurants and bars in all price ranges.

In the period after the Reconquest, the other side of the river was the site of the Palacio Real, a royal palace used by the Valencian kings. Several centuries later, what is now the Alameda, was known as the Hyde Park of Valencia, and was where the nobility used to go to see and be seen, strolling and riding in their carriages. This area has always been where the nobility and "haute bourgeoisie" lived and played and, to a certain degree, this is still the case. With its gardens, walks and tree-lined streets, El Pla del Real is nowadays a residential and university area with several interesting monuments. The old bed of the River Turia is now a large garden which is well worth a visit.