Local Customs Tips

Get information about local customs, travel tips and information about Valencia, Spain. Here are a few tips to help you.

Las Fallas in Valencia

Las Fallas

Las Fallas is a festival held from March 12th to March 19th. What are Las Fallas? Huge papier-mache art sculptures are erected on almost every square. Usually there are around 300 of these, and most are indicative of social criticism and sarcasm. Then, on March 19th the Fallas are simultaneously burned at midnight in a ritual called "la nit del foc". Every day at 2pm firecrackers rip through the Plaza del Ayuntamiento in an noisy event called la Mascletá. This concert of gunpowder is very popular.

Christmas in Valencia

The Christmas

Christmas adorns Valencia with the green and red colours of poinsattias, street lights and the carpets laid out on the streets. It is the season for turron, chestnuts, marzipan and for the many street markets, such as can be found at the Central Market. Nativity scenes assembled across the city remind us of the reason for the celebration, and the life-size display and huge fir tree in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento stand in proud welcome of visitors to the city. Finally, the 5th of January arrives, and the Three Wise Man arrive in Valencia. In their parade through the central city streets, they delight the crowds by throwing gifts ans sweets.

Valencia for family

Valencia for family

Valencia for family: You can go to the City of Arts and Sciences, to the Bioparc (outdoor zoo-immersion of nature), take the train to the Turia river gardens and go to Gulliver (small park for children with a huge statue of the character by Jonathan Swift 70 meters high).

Barracas in Valencia


This typical valencian houses are mainly built in the countryside. They are made from raw materials such woods, reeds and mud. The Barraca is protected and has an important asset to cultural heritage. They are not so widely used now, but you can see some if you go to the Albufera. If you take a boat ride they can show you one inside (for tourists obviously) and explain you the way of life there.