Valencia 2-star Hotels

We are offering some of the best hotels deals in Valencia so research the 2-star Hotels section. When booking through our website, the booking process is fast, accurate and simple. In order to provide you with the best possible rates we negotiate with hotels and give you the best rate options. That is how we are able to provide you with many discounted rates. Our webpage is made very easy to navigate. Although we need to have your credit card details, you don not have to pay until you arrive at the hotel. Our database offers a large number of selected hotels, of different category and style in order to suit every taste.

Hotel Continental

Hotel Continental
Accommodation: Hotel 2 Star
  • Extra beds (for children)
  • Concierge Service
  • WiFi Zone
Location: Town Hall Square
guest rating

Very good


Rooms:  46
60 €

Hotel Continental

Calle Correos 8, 46002 Valencia.

Casual Valencia de la Música

Casual Valencia de la Música
Accommodation: Hotel 2 Star
  • Central location
  • Laundry
  • Air conditioning
Location: Town Hall Square
guest rating



Rooms:  45
52 €

Casual Valencia de la Música

Padilla 4, 46001 Valencia.

Sol Playa Hotel

Hotel Sol Playa
Accommodation: Hotel 2 Star
  • Terraces overlooking to the sea
  • Sea views
  • Medical service available
Location: Malvarrosa Beach
guest rating

Very good


Rooms:  35
80 €

Sol Playa

Paseo de Neptuno 56, 46011 Valencia.

Hotel Miramar Valencia

Hotel Miramar Valencia
Accommodation: 2 star
  • Located right on the beach
  • 24 hours a day traveller service
  • Terrace on the beach of Valencia
Location: Malvarrosa Beach
guest rating



Rooms:  22
74 €

Hotel Miramar Valencia

Paseo de Neptuno 32, 46011 Valencia.

Venecia Plaza Centro

Venecia Plaza Centro
Accommodation: Hotel 2 star
  • Buffet breakfast
  • Free Internet access
  • Park your car in the centre for €15
Location: Town Hall Square
guest rating

Very good


Rooms:  54
59 €

Venecia Plaza Centro

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 3, 46002 Valencia.