Las Fallas is a festival held from March 12th to March 19th. What are Las Fallas? Huge papier-mache art sculptures are erected on almost every square. Usually there are around 300 of these, and most are indicative of social criticism and sarcasm. Then, on March 19th the Fallas are simultaneously burned at midnight in a ritual called "la nit del foc". Every day at 2pm firecrackers rip through the Plaza del Ayuntamiento in an noisy event called la Mascletá. This concert of gunpowder is very popular.
Advisement for Fallas:
- From March 15 through 19, use public transport, specially the Subway because many streets will be closed after the Fallas plantà.
- Chairs located in the streets when parades take place can be rented. If there are free; you can use them for an affordable price.
- Wear comfortable shoe wear because you will have to walk a lot if you want to see all the Fallas.
- If the noise is too strong for you, open your mouth, but don't cover your ears, it's worse.
- If you get to close to where the mascletà is launched, in addition to the noise, you will be covered with papers from the bursting firecrackers. If you set yourself giving your back to where the wind blows, you will avoid the smoke.
- Respect the security marked limits.
- Try the typical pumpkin buñuelos that you will find all around the town.
- Don't miss the Nit del Foc, a spectacular fireworks display that will take place on March 18th at the Paseo de la Alameda at 01:30 am.
- If you want to understand the real sense of Fallas, you should know what these terms mean: Cridà, mascletà, ninot, nit del Foc, plantà, despertà, cremà, casal fallero, Fallera Mayor.