The University building is an elegant example of Neoclassicism. The central cloister, surrounded by Doric columns, is pleasant. In the middle, a bronze statue of Luis Vives.
You'll find the building that housed the first university in Valencia just behind the Real Colegio del Patriarca. The university building is an elegant example of Neoclassicism and has valuable sculptures inside. The most outstanding feature about the exterior, however, is its austerity, especially if you compare it to the Palacio del Temple, another neoclassical building but much more creative. The central cloister is calm and pleasant, surrounded by Doric columns full of references to teaching. There's also a bronze statue of Luis Vives in the middle.

Tourist Attractions: Monument
Century: XV-XIX.
Style: Neoclassical
Itinerary: La Xerea.
The Old University of Valencia.
Old University Map
Universidad, Valencia 46003.