The construction of the Palace of the Generalitat dates back to 1421 as the headquarters of the Generalitat Valenciana, the body in charge of representing the kingdom.
The construction of the Palacio de la Generalitat dates back to 1421 as the headquarters of the Generalitat Valenciana or Diputación del General, the body in charge of representing the kingdom before the Cortes. Work began on the central body of the building, in the late Gothic style. It is organized on three floors like the private palaces of the city, with molded rectangular windows on the ground floor, triple windows with columns on the main floor, where the meeting room was, and a gallery on the upper part.
In 1518 work began on the Renaissance tower that overlooks the Plaza de la Virgen, mostly the work of Joan Corbera, in which classical pediments can be seen over the windows and decoration with Renaissance iconography. The top, with a balustrade crowned by balls, is already from the end of the 16th century and follows the aesthetics of El Escorial. The twin tower that overlooks the Plaza de Manises is, however, a historicist copy from 1952.
Inside, the patio stands out -with a Valencian Gothic staircase on one side-, the late Gothic doors with mixtilinear arches, and above all the Sala Nova in the tower, with a magnificent roof and an upper wooden gallery decorated with allegorical and mythological carvings, and with frescoes that represent the three estates of the Corts, works by Joan Sarinyena and Vicent Requena.

Tourist Attractions: Palace
Century: XV-XX
Style: Renaissance
Itinerary: El Mercat
Generalitat Palace: Headquarters of the Generalitat Valenciana.
Opening hours
- Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., prior appointment of a visit.
- Telephone: 96.386.34.61.
- Free admission.
Palau de la Generalitat Map
Caballeros 2, Valencia 46001.