The Admiral's Baths are just a short distance from the Almudin. This Arab bath house was built in the 13th century, shortly before the conquest by Catholic King Jaime I.
The Baños del Almirante (Admiral's Baths), also called Abd-al-Malik, are just a short distance form the Almudin. This Arab bath house was built in the 13th century, shortly before the triumphal entrance and conquest by (Catholic) Jaime I. It is the only one remaining in the city of the original 10 at that time. In 1963, the decorative touches added in the 19th century were removed to restore its original appearance. The doorway is interesting, in a typical Arabic style, with a horseshoe-shaped entry leading to a narrow passageway decorated in colourful tiles, some dating from the Arab times.

Tourist Attractions: Monument
Century: XIV
Style: Muslim architecture
Itinerary: El Mercat
Almirante Moorish Baths. 3 areas: cold, warm and hot water.
Useful Information
Opening Hours
- Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30 to 14:00 h and from 17:30 to 20:00 h.
- Sunday and public holidays from 9:30 to 14:00 h.
- Visits each half-hour
- Monday closed.
- Free entry.
Almirante Moorish Baths Map
Almirante 3, Valencia 46003.