The Serranos Bridge was built in 1518, when was arranged to have its predecessor rebuilt after it was swept away in the previous year’s flood. The new stone bridge was built on nine arches.
Of all the bridges over the River Turia, there are three that are pointed: the Puente del Real, the Puente de la Trinidad and the Puente de Serranos. The name of the latter, and of the gateway in the city walls known as Las Torres de Serranos, comes from the fact that they provided access for people arriving in the city from the district of La Serranía, who were known as serranos. The Puente de Serranos was built in 1518, when the Fábrica Vella de Murs i Valls factory arranged to have its predecessor rebuilt after it was swept away in the previous year’s flood. The new stone bridge, which could withstand the mighty Turia, was built under the direction of stonemason Juan Bautista Corbera on nine segmental arches with a breakwater, cutwaters and parapets. Up until the 17th century, there were five statues on the barbicans, of San Pedro Nolasco, San Pedro Pascual, Father Jofré, Teresa Gil de Vidaure and Our Lady of Mercy.

Tourist Attractions: Bridge
Century: XVI (1518)
Style: Gothic
Itinerary: El Carmen
Serranos Bridge: The original destroyed by a flood.
For their part, the Serranos Towers standing guard at the entrance to the bridge testify to the walled nature of the city during the Middle Ages. With its beautiful architecture and its intricate ornamentation that went beyond mere defences, this gateway was the symbol of Valencia’s power. At its other end, which joins the city to the Almunia and Xerea districts lying outside of the city walls, the bridge has managed to remain beautiful and intact despite the regular onslaughts of the river.
Puente de Serranos Map
Blanquerias - Plaza Santa Monica, Valencia.