Valencia Nightlife Areas

Valencia by night

The most vibrant part of Valencia is the Barrio del Carmen district, and in particular Calle Caballeros and the side streets which branch off it. Other areas that tend to be populated by the city’s nightowls include the area around Plaza Canovas and the city’s university, although both of these aren't as central as Barrio del Carmen. In summer, from the port northwards there are several places to go at night, including open-air bars and discos.

Main areas for nightlife

The El Carmen neighbourhood and the old town

This is somewhere you must visit. Valencia's old town is one of the liveliest areas after midnight. Here you'll find an unusual mixture of styles from the most alternative to the most elegant. The same could be said of the people, of all ages from 20 upwards. El Carmen is somewhere you can stroll around and find somewhere new every night. From a bar containing part of the old city walls to a pop-art disco, an early 20th century café, a punk club or a pub with a Brazilian atmosphere. El Carmen is also where you'll find most of the gay bars and clubs.

Plaza de Canovas

The Plaza de Cánovas is the nerve centre of nightlife in the Ensanche area. As well as all kinds of restaurants, there are bars for young people and discos for a slightly older clientele. You could call the atmosphere post-university, but the area has something for everyone. They're normally somewhere to have a quiet drink in the early evening, and many of them have open-air terraces.

Avenida de Aragon and Paseo de la Alameda

Thirty-somethings, professionals and night-owls are most often found in the bars along La Avenida de Aragon and the adjoining streets. They usually play commercial chart music and many of them have somewhere to dance. El Paseo de la Alameda is especially attractive in the summer, when all the bars and restaurants put their tables and chairs outside around the gardens.

Av. Blasco Ibañez and Plaza del Cedro

Students meet up in the streets near the universities – on Avenida Blasco Ibañez and around Plaza del Cedro. Here you'll find a mixture of discos and bars, but they all have the same aim: to ensure that you enjoy "the best years of your life". Recently, more places offering a blend of music and culture have opened up around Plaza del Cedro.

Outside the city

Several discos have opened on the outskirts in recent years. They are usually large and semiopen air, with a lot of revellers and many different styles.

Near the beach

In summer, from the port northwards there are several places to go at night, including open-air bars and discos that let you enjoy a night out beside the Mediterranean.