Located in a Baroque building, the Fine Arts Museum San Pio V is one of the most outstanding museums in Spain, renowned for its paintings.
Located in a Baroque building recently renovated in its entirety, the Fine Arts Museum San Pio V is one of the most outstanding painting archives in Spain, renowned for its collections of primitive Valencian painters, although there are also works by El Greco, Velázquez, Murillo and Goya. The Fine Arts Museum also exhibits sculptures by Mariano Benlliure and some interesting archeological pieces.
The gallery mainly comprises the work of Valencia artists, such as Vicente López, Juan de Joanes, los Ribalta, Pinazo and Joaquín Sorolla. There are also, however, paintings by other artists such as Sarto, Van Dyck, Murillo, Velázquez and Goya. In addition to this, there is an interesting collection of contemporary art, along with valuable archaeological remains, such as "The Lion of Bocairent" and the Palaeo-Christian tomb of Saint Vincent Mártir. The complete collection of Gothic panels also stands out because of its quality. In the museum there is also one of the most important 16th century Renaissance courtyards: the courtyard of the Vich ambassador.

Tourist Attractions: Museum
Type museum: Fine Arts
Century: XVIII (the building)
Itinerary: La Saïdia
The Fine Arts Museum San Pio V.
The Building
The façade is delimited by two towers, but what stands out is the cushioned decoration at both corners, the pediments which sit atop the windows, the cornices, the finishing details of urns and globes and specially, the most remarcale element, the cobalt blue dome. Inside, the cloister adds an aspect of magnificent sobriety, Outside, the Baroque doorway is an interesting element.
Visit Information
Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 20:00 h.Closed Mondays, 1 January, Good Friday and 25 December.
Admission free.
Línes 1, 6, 11, 16, 26, 28, 29, 36, 79 and 95.
Alameda and Pont de Fusta Stations.
Station nº 131 Alboraya - Flora, station nº 83 General Elio - Llano del Real and station nº 5 Plaza Poeta Llorente.
Museo de Bellas Artes San Pio V Map
San Pío V, Valencia 46010.
The Fine Arts Museum San Pio V Pictures