Planetarium, Laserium and IMAX Cinema in a single building, the Hemisferic was designed like a giant human eye, looking out on the world over a 24,000 square metre pool. Like the eye it is, it has a semi-spherical pupil, under which you find the projection room, eyelids and eyelashes, which move thanks to a unique feat of engineering. The Hemisferic's programme changes every season and combines shows, conferences and 3-D IMAX movies.

Hemisferic Pictures
Valencia Photo Gallery
Hits: 8471
Planetarium, Laserium and IMAX Cinema in a single building, the Hemisferic was designed like a giant human eye, looking out on the world over a 24,000 square metre pool. Like the eye it is, it has a semi-spherical pupil, under which you find the projection room, eyelids and eyelashes, which move thanks to a unique feat of engineering. The Hemisferic's programme changes every season and combines shows, conferences and 3-D IMAX movies.